"Controller?" is a contemporary dance performance by Sonja Stojanovice in cooperation with electronic musician Udasi.
The destination is communication, where the border of control and controller blends into the dance and intention becomes lost in the flow. Experience being controlled and being a controller through the fusion of music and dance performance.
The human intention makes patterns from chaos, recognizable constants from our past experiences that guide us through moods and feelings. The performers use structured improvisation as the method of creation for both movement and sound.
Sonja Stojanović is contemporary dancer and choreographer, originating from Serbia but living in Austria. She began her career as a classical trained dancer before pursuing a BA in contemporary dance at the Belgrade Dance Institute. As an active member of the Art Rita cultural association she produced and choreographed interdisciplinary and interactive performance “Assimilate” in collaboration with Ljubomir Nikolić and Máte Czàkó,
Photocredits: Werner Puntigam
Topi Piirainen, known by the artist name Udasi, is an experimental musician hailing from Finland and residing in Austria since '09. His musical interests encompass noise, lofi, ambient, intense bass, and peculiar beats. Utilizing various instruments such as synthesizers, ciat lonbarde, eurorack, tapeloops, and 4tracks, along with employing no input mixing techniques, Udasi crafts a distinctive sound. Udasi's performances are rooted in improvisation, often spontaneously created during live shows. Immersed in this artistic realm, he collaborates with several partners, engaging in duo gigs that explore diverse styles and flavours.
Wir sind es, Da Holi Wata, abgesandt, um euch zu erlösen. Wir sind es, die euch die Richtung weisen, die Richtung, die euer vom Schweiße aufgeweichtes Gebein zum Gehen bringt. Ihr werdet marschieren, der Boden wird zu eurem externen Geschlecht, das Rauchwerk wird eure Sinne schärfen, das Licht wird sich als Heiligstes offenbaren und euer Innerstes wird nach außen drängen. Und die schnellen Rhythmen lassen die Gewissensgifte verpuffen – die Disharmonie wird das Sündenminus wieder auf Null setzen. Ein kurzer Aufenthalt bei uns verschafft eine Eintrittskarte ins Paradies. Wir schwören es und geben Garantie. Aber danach müsst ihr brav sein